Donations needed News

One year in…

It’s been almost a year since the family the Gherkins have sponsored arrived. It’s been a thrill to be part of their experience joining our community.

As we moved through the year in Canada together–although really our relationship started much earlier than the family’s arrival last December–we began a long journey from sponsorship to friendship. It is a rewarding but daunting process to make this transition.

We have learned a lot from this family, and from this process. After consideration, we have decided as a group to sponsor another family, who also happen to be from Syria.

This sponsorship will be slightly different; there are family members in town who are working with us. We also have the advantage that we already have much of the furniture needed–thanks to your generosity, and the help of St. Dunstan’s Church in keeping it stored safe and dry in anticipation of their arrival.

We will still need funds, however, and we hope you will help. If you would like to continue your support of our work sponsoring refugees in Gordon Head, please visit our donation page for information about sending a cheque, or our online donation portal, where you can donate once or set up a monthly donation.